How I can help you with TFT and EFT
I am certified in Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Emotional Freedom Tecnique (EFT) in the following areas:
  • Releasing of trauma, depression, Anxiety, fear and Phobias
  • Releasing of stage freight and fear of public speaking 
  • Relief of pain, addictions and food issues
  • Diagnosing of intolerances and detoxing from the toxins
  • Balancing your energy system

  • If you are burned out mentally or physically
  • If you have limiting believes about what is possible to achieve
  • If you have patterns that leads to a tiring rollercoaster ride in life
  • If you wonder why you always stop yourself in being happy?
  • If the same things always happen in your relationships  in a negative way? 

    What is TFT and EFT?
    In 1980 Dr. Callahan a psychotherapist found the use of tapping on the bodys energy points while the patient connected mentally to the problem - he found that it was cutting down the time for solving issues from years into minutes with TFT. 
    The variation EFT (emotional freedom technique) is a variation that connects emotions to the meridian tapping (TFT).
Lotte Voigt Arnsted